New Care Minutes Targets for Aged Care Providers Effective October 1, 2023

Residential aged care providers are gearing up to meet new care minutes targets set to take effect from October 1, 2023. These targets are associated with the Australian National Aged Care Classification (ANACC) classes, and adjustments will be made accordingly.

In light of these changes, providers should expect potential shifts in their service's average care minutes targets, aligning them with overall care funding. Providers are urged to assess their estimated care minutes targets using the AN-ACC funding and care minutes estimator to aid in preparation.

Starting September 15, 2023, care minutes targets for the October to December quarter are accessible on the My Aged Care service and support portal.

Source: Aged Care Quality Bulletin #56 - August 2023, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website, Australian government, accessed 16 September 2023, <>

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