Why ProcuSphere Marketplace?

Collaborate, discuss, and drive continuous improvement in supplier compliance and performance management, all under one virtual roof. Seamlessly connect with trusted suppliers, exchange insights, and foster a culture of compliance excellence, and elevate the standard of care in the Healthcare sector.


Be a Supplier

Hey Suppliers, the spotlight′s on you! Join ProcuSphere Marketplace and turbocharge your reach in the Health and Care sector. With the ProcuSphere app, you′re just a tap away from connecting with eager customers looking for compliant and top-notch suppliers like you. Get ready to showcase your offerings and build meaningful partnerships. Let′s make it happen together. Sign up now and get access to the ProcuSphere app!

Be a Buyer

Calling all Buyers! Dive into the ProcuSphere Marketplace and power up your procurement game. Get ready to connect with compliant suppliers who tick all the right boxes, from regulations to quality standards and find the perfect fit for your needs. With the ProcuSphere app, discover compliant suppliers in the Health and Care sector with a simple tap. Let′s get started and bring your procurement game to the next level! Sign up now and get access to the ProcuSphere app!

Featured Suppliers

List of suppliers coming soon!

Having trouble tracking supplier compliance and performance?

ProcuSphere centralises supplier info, contracts, and docs for quick access to critical data whenever you need it. Don′t let compliance slip through the cracks; take control of your supplier management today and have peace of mind!

Data Storage

A central repository of data on suppliers and contracts, compliances, incidents and performance reviews.


Consistently provide up-to-date compliance documents, which gives buyers peace of mind.


Efficient and timely resolutions of daily operational issues using a built-in messaging system.

Supplier Reviews

A convenient and effective way to conduct supplier performance reviews online.

Experience world-class Supplier and Contract Management solutions with ProcuSphere.

We′re excited to show you our cutting-edge supplier and contract management software.

mobile app

ProcuSphere App

Search through thousands of suppliers
and find the right fit.

Our Partners

Names of partners coming soon!

Recent News Articles

Stay updated with the latest in the Healthcare industry.
blog post

New Care Minutes Targets for Aged Care Providers Effective October 1, 2023

Residential aged care providers are gearing up to meet new care minutes targets set to take effect from October 1, 2023. These targets are associated with the Australian National Aged Care Classification (ANACC) classes, and adjustments will be made accordingly. In light of these changes, providers should expect potential shifts in their service's average care minutes targets, aligning them with overall care funding.

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blog post

New Hotline Transforms Food Quality and Nutrition in Australian Aged Care

A game-changing step has emerged for Australians, offering a direct pathway to voice their concerns about food in aged care. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has unveiled the specialised Food, Nutrition, and Dining Unit hotline, marking a pivotal development. Ready to Help: This hotline is up and running. Skilled dietitians and speech pathologists are accessible to callers. Boosting Quality of Life: A wholesome meal and best nutrition matter greatly across generations.

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blog post

New Aged Care Act: Have Your Say

Share Your Input: The new Aged Care Act is in development, and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission wants your input! A public consultation is currently underway, seeking your feedback on the foundations of the Act. Why the Change? The current Aged Care Act 1997 needs an overhaul. The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety recommended a new Act that places seniors at the heart of the system, enabling fundamental change in the aged care sector.

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